Lífefnavinnsla - Hráefni og hugvit. Flutt í Rotarýklúbbnum Reykjavík-Árbær 04.02.2016 [Biochemicals production - Raw materials and know-how. Lecture given to the Rotary Club Reykjavík-Árbær, February 4, 2016].
Lífefnavinnsla á Íslandi. fortíð og framtíð. Flutt á Vísindadegi Verkfræði- og raunvísindasviðs HÍ, Reykjavík, 25.10.2014 [Biochemicals Industry in Iceland. Past, present, future. Lecture given on the SENS (School of Engineering and Science) science day, Reykjavík, 25.10.2014]
Lífefnavinnsla á Íslandi. fortíð, nútíð, framtíð. Flutt á ráðstefnu Efnafræðifélags Íslands Reykjavík, 9.11.2013 [Biochemicals Industry in Iceland. Past, present, future. Plenary lecture at the Icelandic Chemical Society conference, Reykjavík, 9.11.2013]
Hörður Filippusson: The effect of chito-oligosaccharides on protein stability. Plenary lecture given at ProStab 2012 - the 9th International Conference on Protein Stabilisation - From molecular level to market applications; Lisbon, Portugal, May 2-4, 2012.
Hörður Filippusson: Sameindakennsl og sérsmíðaðir griphópar fyrir hreinvinnslu próteina.
Flutt á Raunvísindaþingi raunvísindadeildar HÍ í Reykjavík 16.-17. apríl 2004.
[Molecular recognition and specially designed affinity ligands for protein purification. Given at the Science Faculty Research Conference, April 2004]
Hörður Filippusson: Peptidomimetic ligands. Plenary lecture given at Affinity Interactions 2003 – 15th International Conference, Cambridge, England, 27.7. – 1.8. 2003.
Hörður Filippusson: Vörn fyrir deililíkan. Erindi flutt á fundi Félags háskólakennara og Félags prófessora, “Deilt á deililíkan” 28.11.2002.
[Defending the funding formula. Given at a meeting of th University Teachers Association and the Union of Professors entitled “Attacks on the funding formula”, Novemer 28th, 2002]
Hörður Filippusson: Hlutverk Landsbókasafns Íslands – Háskólabókasafns í kennslu og rannsóknum við raunvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands. Flutt á Málþingi í Þjóðarbókhlöðu 3. maí 2002.
[The role of the University Library in teaching and research at the University of Iceland. Given at a seminar in the Univerity Library, May 3rd, 2002].
Hörður Filippusson: Hvað nú Þjóðarbókhlaða. Staða Landsbókasafns – Háskólabókasafns í Háskólasamfélaginu. Flutt á ráðstefnu Landsbókasafns – Háskólabókasafns og málþingshóps starfsmanna safnsins, 23. júní 2000.
[What Now University Library? The University Library and the University Community. Given at a University Library Seminar, June 23rd, 2000.
Hörður Filippusson: Beckman 100 ára. Fáein þekkingarbrot um fyrri tíðar rannsóknatækni. [Beckman Centennial. A few glimpses into earlier research tehnology].
Given at a Chemistry Department Seminar, University of Iceland, April 28th, 2000.
Hörður Filippusson: Molecular modeling and combinatorial synthesis of elastase affinity ligands.Given at the Institute of Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, England, April 23rd, 1999.
Hörður Filippusson: Sameindakennsl og hagnýting þeirra. [Molecular recognition and its utilization]. Given at a Physiology Department Seminar, University of Iceland, May 14th, 1998.
Hörður Filippusson: Lífhermin griphópasmíð. [Biomimetic ligand design].
Given (by HF) at a Chemistry Department Seminar, University of Iceland, November 28th, 1997.
Hörður Filippusson og Kristmundur Sigmundsson:
Griptækni tengd örsíun til hreinvinnslu próteina. [Affinity-ultrafiltration for the purification of proteins]
Given (by HF) at a Chemistry Department Seminar, University of Iceland, March 10th, 1995.
Jón M. Einarsson, Hörður Filippusson, Kristmundur Sigmundsson og Rannveig Guðleifsdóttir: Karboxýlesterasar úr lambalifur [Carboxylesterases offrom ovine liver].
Given (by JME) at a Chemistry Department Seminar, University of Iceland, February 24th, 1995.
Jón M. Einarsson, Hörður Filippusson, Kristmundur Sigmundsson og Rannveig Guðleifsdóttir: Purification and characterization of two ovine liver carboxylesterases.
Given (by JME) at the University of Dublin, October 1994.
H. Filippusson: The Devolopment of Icelandic Biotechnology.
Given at a joint meeting of AgResearch Ltd. og MIRINZ (Meat Industry Research Institute of New Zealand), Ruakura Agricultural Center, Hamilton, New Zealand, February 11, 1993.
- Also given at Industrial Research Ltd., Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, February 22, 1993.
- Also given at the instigation of University of Otago Research and Development Office in the Biochemistry Department, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, March 1st, 1993.
Hörður Filippusson: Lífefnatækni og sauðfjárafurðir. Flutt á Ráðunautafundi 1988, Reykjavík , 9. febrúar 1988.
[Biotechnology and ovine by-products. Annual meeting of agricultual advisors, 1988]
Hörður Filippusson: Hjartaensím og ensímmælingar. Flutt á námsstefnu Meinatæknifélags Íslands, júní 1987.
[Heart enzymes and enzyme assays. A study conference for Icelandic Medical Laboratory Technologists Society]
Hörður Filippusson: "Meginmarkmið og framtíðarverkefni BHM".
Erindi flutt á VII. þingi BHM, Reykjavík, 21, nóvember 1986.
(Prentað í Fréttabréfi Háskólans, 8. árg, 8. tbl., bls. 8-11.
[The main aims and future tasks of the Icelandic University Graduates Association].
H. Filippusson: Enzyme Tubes as Kinetic Models and Analytical Tools.
University of Lund, Dept. of Pure and Applied Biochemistry, December 1983.
Ársæll Jónsson, Hörður Filippusson, Ólafur G. Björnsson & Bjarni Þjóðleifsson: Efnasamsetning galls meðal íslendinga. Flutt (af B. Þ.) á IV. þingi Skurðlæknafélags Íslands, maí 1978.
[The chemical composition of bile in Icelanders. 4th Icelandic Surgical Society Conference, 1978]
H. Filippusson: Immobilized Enzymes in Clinical Analysis.
Nordic Medical Laboratory Technolology Congress, Reykjavík, júní 1973.
Hörður Filippusson: Rannsóknir á vatnsóleysanlegum enzymum.
Lífefnafræðifélag Íslands, Reykjavík 1972.
[Research on water-insoluble enzymes. Icelandic Biochemical Society, 1972]
H. Filippusson: On the Properties of Immobilized Enzymes.
Scottish Protein Structure Group Meeting, Edinborgarháskóli, júní 1970.