Papers, posters, reports
Papers in preparation
Hörður Filippusson: Affinity ultrafiltration systems. Ongoing project.
Hörður Filippusson: Use of volcanic ash as support for immobilized enzymes. Ongoing project.
Hörður Filippusson: Synthesis and characterization of affinity ligands for transferrin and apo-transferrin. Ongoing project
Jón M. Einarsson & Hörður Filippusson: Purification and molecular properties of ESB2 carboxylesterase: Comparison with with ESB3 esterase in ovine liver.
Manuscript for Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B.
Jón M. Einarsson & Hörður Filippusson: Catalytic properties of two ovine liver carboxylesterases.
Manuscript for Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology.
Jóhann Grétar Kröyer Gizurarson and Hörður Filippusson: Chito-oligosaccharide effects on the structural and functional stability of bovine trypsin.
To be submitted to Process Biochemistry, January 2015.
Submitted papers
83. Stefán Bragi Gunnarsson and Hörður Filippusson: Effect of chitosan oligosaccharides on the thermal stability properties of horseradish peroxidase.
Submitted to Biotechnology Reports, March 2015.
82. Hörður Filippusson: Flow-injection analysis using tubular nylon enzyme reactors. Submitted to Anal. Chimica Acta, March 2015.
81. Jóhann Grétar Kröyer Gizurarson and Hörður Filippusson: Conjugation of D-glucosamine to bovine trypsin increases thermal stability and alters functional properties. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 75-76 (2015) 1-9
80. Hörður Filippusson and Jóhann Grétar Kröyer Gizurarson: Conjugation of chitooligosaccharides and glucosamine to bovine trypsin. Effects on stability and functionality.
Poster presentation at ECB16, 16th European Congress on Biotechnology, July 13 - 16, 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland. New Biotechnology 31(2014)S81-S82
79. Hörður Filippusson: Af hverju vinna ensím hægt í lágum hita? Svar við spurningu á Vísindavefnum í nóvember 2013.
[Why do enzymes work more slowly at low temperatures? Science Web, 2013]
78. Jóhann Grétar Kröyer Gizurarson and Hörður Filippusson: Stabilization of bovine trypsin by soluble chitooligosacharide crosslinking and surface modification with glucosamine. Poster presentation at the Icelandic Chemical Society Conference, Reykjavík, November 9, 2013.
77. Hörður Filippusson: Affinity ultrafiltration revisited. Poster presentation at the Affinity 2013 - 20th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Molecular Recognition, Vienna June 26 29, 2013.
76. Hörður Filippusson and Stefán Bragi Gunnarsson: Protein stabilization with chitooligosaccharides. Poster presentation at the 2011 Icelandic Chemical Society Conference, November 19, 2011.
75. Hörður Filippusson, Róbert Anton Hafþórsson and Guðný Björg Sigurðardóttir: Affinity Chromatography and Characterization of Chitinases from T. emersonii. Poster presentation at the 2011 Icelandic Chemical Society Conference, November 19, 2011.
74. Hörður Filippusson, Róbert Anton Hafþórsson and Guðný Björg Sigurðardóttir: Affinity Chromatography and Characterization of Chitinases from T. emersonii. Poster presentation at Affinity 2011, the 19th biennial meeting of the International Society for Molecular Recognition, Tavira, Portugal, June 16-19, 2011.
73. Hörður Filippusson, George K. Ehrlich and Gideon Fleminger: Affinity 2009. Editorial for Journal of Molecular Recognition, Special Issue on the 18th biennial meeting of the International Society for Molecular Recognition. J Molec. Recognit 2010; 23: 503 - 504
72. Stefán Bragi Gunnarsson and Hörður Filippusson: Effect of chitosan on thermostability of horseradish peroxidase. Poster presentation at University of Iceland Engineering and Natural Sciences Research Symposium, October 8-9, 2010
71. Arnþór Guðlaugsson, Hörður Filippusson and Hörður Kristjánsson: The Fate of Three Viruses During Production of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient via Stepwise Protein Isolation. Poster presentation at University of Iceland Engineering and Natural Sciences Research Symposium, October 8-9, 2010
70. Róbert Anton Hafþórsson and Hörður Filippusson: Prepartion and properties of an affinity ligand for citinases and chitin-binding proteins. Poster presentation at University of Iceland Engineering and Natural Sciences Research Symposium, October 8-9, 2010
69. Hörður Filippusson: Sameindakennsl og sérsmíðaðir griphópar fyrir hreinvinnslu próteina. [Molecular recognition and specially designed affinity ligands for the purification of proteins] Tímarit um raunvísindi og stærðfræði 5 (2008) 43 - 50 [Icelandic Journal of Science and Mathematics, 2008].
68. Hörður Filippusson: Yfirborðslífefnatækni – Að ná tökum á sameindunum. Í Vísindin heilla – Sigmundur Guðbjarnason 75 ára. Háskólaútgáfan 2006.
[Surface biotechnology - Getting a grip on the molecules. In a festschrift for Prof. Sigmundur Guðbjarnason on the occasion of his 75th birthday, 2006].
67. Hörður Filippusson og Pétur Ari Markússon: The design and solid-phase synthesis of affinity ligands for transferrin. Veggspjald á Raunvísindaþingi, Reykjavík, 3.-4. mars 2006.
[Poster abstract: Faculty of Science Research Conference , March 2006]
66. Pétur Ari Markússon og Hörður Filippusson: An affinity ligands for transferrin.
Poster abstract: Affinity 2005, 16th biennial meeting of the International Society for Molecular Recognition, Uppsala, 14. – 18. Augst 2005.
65. Hörður Filippusson og Fannar Jónsson: Chitosan oligosaccharides coupled to trypsin improve the thermal stability of the enzyme. Poster abstract from ProStab2004 – 6th International Conference on Protein Stabilization, Bratislava, Slovakia, 26. – 29. september 2004.
64. Fannar Jónsson og Hörður Filippusson: Áhrif viðtengdra kítósanfáliða á stöðugleika ensíma. Tímarit um raunvísindi og stærðfræði 2 (2004) 33 - 36.
[The effect of conjugated chitooligosaccharides on the stability of enzymes. Icelandic Journal of Science and Mathematics, 2004]
63. Fannar Jónsson og Hörður Filippusson: Stöðgun ensíma með aðstoð kítósanfáliða.
Veggspjald á Raunvísindaþingi 2004, 16. – 17. apríl 2004.
[The stabilization of enzymes with the aid og chitosan oligosaccharides. Poster abstract: Faculty of Science Research Conference , April 2004]
62. Fannar Jónsson og Hörður Filippusson: Stabilizing trypsin by coupling to chitosan. Poster abstract: 9th International Chitin-Chitosan Conference, Montreal, Kanada, August 2003.
61. Fannar Jónsson og Hörður Filippusson: Stabilizing trypsin by coupling to chitosan. Poster abstract: 2nd Icelandic Chemiscal Society Conference, Akureyri 13.-14. september 2002.
60. Hörður Filippusson: Hvað er ensím? Svar við spurningu á Vísindavefnum í desember 2001.
[What is an enzyme? Science Web, 2001]
59. Hörður Filippusson, Lýður S. Erlendsson & Christopher R. Lowe: New affinity ligands for elastases based on rational computer-aided ligand design.
Poster abstract: 10th Recovery of Biological Products Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 2001.
58a. Hörður Filippusson, Lýður S. Erlendsson & Christopher R. Lowe: Lífhermin hönnun og smíði griphópa fyrir elastasa og notkun þeirra við hreinvinnslu ensímanna. Veggspjald á ráðstefnu Efnafræðifélags Íslands, 1. ráðstefna haldin í Reykholti í september 2000.
[The biomimetic design and synthesis of affinity ligands for elastases and its application in the purification of the enzymes. Poster abstract: Icelandic Chemical Society 1st Conference, 2000]
58b. Hörður Filippusson, Lýður S. Erlendsson & Christopher R. Lowe: Lífhermin hönnun og smíði griphópa fyrir elastasa og notkun þeirra við hreinvinnslu ensímanna. " [The biomimetic design and synthesis of affinity ligands for elastases and its application in the purification of the enzymes]
Conference Proceedings of the Icelandic Chemical Society, 2000.
57. Hörður Filippusson, Lýður S. Erlendsson & Christopher R. Lowe: Design, synthesis and evaluation of biomimetic affinity ligands for elastases. Journal of Molecular Recognition 13 (2000) 1-12.
56. Hörður Filippusson og Lýður S. Erlendsson: "Lífhermin hönnun og smíði griphópa fyrir elastasa og notkun þeirra við hreinvinnslu ensímanna" Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans, RH-43-99.
[The biomimetic design and synthesis of affinity ligands for elastases and its application in the purification of the enzymes. Science Institute Report Series, RH-43-99]
55. Hörður Filippusson, Lýður S. Erlendsson & Christopher R. Lowe: New affinity ligands for elastases based on rational computer-aided ligand design. Poster abstract from the 9th European Congress on Biotechnology, Brussel, Belgium, July 1999.
54. Hörður Filippusson: Vinnsla albúmíns og annarra próteina úr nautgripablóði á Íslandi. Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans RH-22-98, 30 bls.
[The production of albumin and other proteins from bovine blood in Iceland. Science Institute Research Report Series RH-22-98]
53. Lýður S. Erlendsson & Hörður Filippusson: Purification and characterization of ovine pancreatic elastase. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 120 (1998) 549 -557.
52. Hörður Filippusson: Exercise Biochemistry as an Approach to the Study of Intermediary Metabolism. Biochemical Education. 26 (1998) 119 - 120.
51. Hörður Filippusson: Design of affinity ligands for elastases. Report, 22 pp. University of Cambridge, Institute of Biotechnology, 1997.
50. Hörður Filippusson og Kristmundur Sigmundsson: Preparation and Properties of an affinity polymer for trypsin. Polymer International 41 (1996) 355 - 362.
49. Jón M. Einarsson, Kristmundur Sigmundsson & Hörður Filippusson: Purification and some properties of a carboxylesterase from ovine liver.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 114B, 41 - 48 (1996)
48. Lífefnafræði. I. Lífefni, gerð og eiginleikar. Kennslubók í lífefnafræði. Háskólaútgáfan 1996.
[Biochemistry I. Biochemicals, structure and properties. A textbook]
47. Hörður Filippusson: Lífefnanemar. Samtvinnun lífefnatækni og rafeindatækni.
Bók Davíðs, afmælisrit Davíðs Davíðssonar, fv. prófessors. Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík, 1996.
[Biosensors: Connecting biotechnology and electronics. In a festschrift for professor Davíð Davíðsson, 1996]
46. Jón M. Einarsson, Kristmundur Sigmundsson, Rannveig Guðleifsdóttir og Hörður Filippusson: Einangrun og eiginleikar tveggja karboxýlesterasa úr lambalifur. Abstract frá VII. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, Reykjavík 5. - 7. janúar 1995. Læknablaðið 80, Fylgirit 27 74, 1994.
[Purification and properties of two carboxyesterases from ovine liver. Icelandic Medical Journal. Poster abstract from the 7th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1994]
45. Hörður Filippusson & Kristmundur Sigmundsson: Griptækni tengd örsíun til hreinvinnslu próteina. Abstract frá VII. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, Reykjavík 5. - 7. janúar 1995. Læknablaðið 80, Fylgirit 27 74, 1994.
[Affinity Ultrafiltration for Enzyme Purification. Icelandic Medical Journal. Poster abstract from the 7th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1994]
44. Hörður Filippusson & Kristmundur Sigmundsson: Affinity Ultrafiltration for Enzyme Purification.
Conference Abstract: Recovery of Biological Products, San Diego, USA, September 1994.
43. Hörður Filippusson: The Development of Icelandic Biotechnology. A lecture given at a few institutions in New Zealand 1993. Lífefnafræðistofa Háskóla Íslands, fjölrit, 1993
[Biochemistry Department Reserch Reports, 1993]
42. Hörður Filippusson: Kynnisferð til Nýja Sjálands 1993: Heimsóknir í rannsóknastofnanir, háskóla og líftæknifyrirtæki. Lífefnaræðistofa Háskóla Íslands, fjölrit 1993.
[An exploratory visit to New Zealand 2003: Visits to research institutes, universities and biotechnology companies. Biochemistry Department Research Report, 1993]
41. Jón Magnús Einarsson og Hörður Filippusson: Afbrigði laktatdehýdrógenasa-5 í hvatberum og frymi í rottulifur. Abstract frá VI. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, Reykjavík 6. - 8. desember 1992. Læknablaðið 78, Fylgirit 22, 74, 1992.
[Variant of LDH-5 isoenzyme in rat liver mitochondria and cytoplasm. Icelandic Medical Journal. Poster abstract from the 4th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1990]
40. Hörður Filippusson: Hagnýting sláturdýravefja til lífefnavinnslu.] Abstract frá VI. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, Reykjavík 6. - 8. desember 1992. Læknablaðið 78, Fylgirit 22, 48, 1992..
[The use of slaughterhouse by-products for the preparation of biochemicals Icelandic Medical Journal. Lecture abstract from the 4th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1992]
39. Hörður Filippusson, Kristmundur Sigmundsson og Jón. M. Einarsson: Notkun tölvustýrðs örplötuljósmælis og beinnar gagnatöku frá krómatógrafíutækjum við vinnslu próteina og ensíma. Abstract frá VI. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, Reykjavík 6. - 8. desember 1992. Læknablaðið 78, Fylgirit 22, 76 ,1992.
[The use of a microplate reader and direct chromatographic data recording in the purification of proteins and enzymes. Icelandic Medical Journal. Poster abstract from the 4th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1992]
38. Hörður Filippusson, Kristmundur Sigmundsson og Jón. M. Einarsson: Hreinvinnsla og eiginleikar esterasa úr lambalifur. Abstract frá VI. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, Reykjavík 6. - 8. desember 1992. Læknablaðið 78, Fylgirit 22, 75, 1992.
[The purification and properties of esterase from ovine liver Icelandic Medical Journal, Poster abstract from the 5th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1992]
37. Hörður Filippusson & Kristmundur Sigmundson: Routine Determination of Enzyme Activity in Chromatographic Column Eluates Using a Microplate Reader With Microcomputer Data Acquisition and Analysis. Poster abstract: XXIII Nordiske Kongress i Klinisk Kemi, Reykjavík, August 1992. Scan. J. Clin. & Lab. Invest. 52, Suppl 211, 1992.
36. Hörður Filippusson & Kristmundur Sigmundson: The Purification and Partial Characterization of Aliphatic and Aromatic Carboxylesterases from Ovine Liver.
Poster abstact. XXIII Nordiske Kongress i Klinisk Kemi, Reykjavík, August 1992.
Scan. J. Clin. & Lab. Invest. 52, Suppl 211, 1992.
36a) Sjá 36: Also abstract at 21st FEBS Meeting, 14. - 21. August 1992.
35. Hörður Filippusson & Jón M. Einarsson: Is there a 6th isoenzyme of lactate dehydrogenase in mammalian liver mitochondria? Poster abstract: XXIII Nordiske Kongress i Klinisk Kemi, Reykjavík, August 1992. Scan. J. Clin. & Lab. Invest. 52, Suppl 211, 1992.
35a. See 35: Also abstract at 21st FEBS Meeting, 14. - 21. August 1992.
34. Hörður Filippusson & Kristmundur Sigmundsson: An Affinity Ultrafiltration System for the Purification of Trypsin.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. Vol. 672 (Enzyme Engineering XI), 613 - 618, 1992.
33. Hörður Filippusson & Kristmundur Sigmundsson: Some Properties of an Affinity Ultrafiltration System for the Purification of Trypsin. Veggspjald á ráðstefnunni Enzyme Engineering XI, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, september 1991.
[Poster abstract from conference: Enzyme Engineering XI, Hawaii, 1991]
32. Hörður Filippusson: Kafli um líftækni á Íslandi í bókinni Biotechnology Worldwide, J. Coombs & P. N. Campbell (eds.), CPL Press, Newbury, England, 1991, bls. 78-81.
31. Kristmundur Sigmundsson og Hörður Filippusson: Einangrun próteina með vatnsleysinni gripfjölliðu í örsíunarkerfi. Veggspjald á 5. ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, nóvember 1990. Útdráttur prentaður í ráðstefnuriti og í Læknablaðinu 77(1991)209.
[The purification of proteins by means of a water-soluble affinity polymer in an ultrafiltration system. Icelandic Medical Journal. Poster abstract from the 4th Medical
30. Kristmundur Sigmundsson og Hörður Filippusson: Smíði og athuganir á byggingu vatnsleysinnar gripfjölliðu fyrir einangrun á trypsíni. Veggspjald á 5. ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild , nóvember 1990. Útdráttur prentaður í ráðstefnuriti og í Læknablaðinu 77(1991)209.
[Synthesis and structural analysis of a water-soluble affinity polymer for the purification of trypsin. Icelandic Medical Journal, Poster abstract from the 4th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1990]Faculty Research Conference 1990]
29. Már Másson og Hörður Filippusson: Notkun ensímröra í flæðiinnskotsgreiningu
Lífefnafræðistofa Háskóla Íslands, fjölrit, 1990.
[Flow InjectionAnalysis With Immobilized Enzyme Nylon Tube Reactors. Department of Biochemistry Research Report, 1990]
28. Hörður Filippusson: Biotechnology in Iceland. Lífefnafræðistofa Háskóla Íslands, fjölrit, desember 1989.
[Department of Biochemistry Research Report, 1989]
27. Hörður Filippusson: Lífefnatækni og sauðfjárafurðir. Lífefnafræðistofa Háskóla Íslands, fjölrit, 1988.
[Biotechnology and ovine by-products. Department of Biochemistry Research Report, 1988]
26. Hörður Filippusson og Gunnar Ólafsson: Kyrrsetning trypsins á felldri kísl.
Veggspjald á 4. ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, nóvember 1988. Útdráttur prentaður í ráðstefnuriti.
[Poser abstract from the 4th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1988]
25. Hörður Filippusson og Már Másson: Efnamælingar með kyrrsettum ensímum í flow-injection kerfi. Veggspjald á 4. ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, nóvember 1988. Útdráttur prentaður í ráðstefnuriti.
[Chemical analyses with immobilized enzymes in a flow-injection system. Poster abstract from the 4th Medical Faculty Research Conference 1988]
24. Ottó J. Björnsson, Davíð Davíðsson, Hörður Filippusson, Nikulás Sigfússon & Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson: Serum Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides in Icelandic Males Aged 41 - 68 Years. Health Survey in the Reykjavík Area. Report C XXVII.
Rannsóknastöð Hjartaverndar. Reykjavík, 1987, 126 bls.
[Icelandic Heart Association Reports Series, 1987]
23. Hörður Filippusson, Þjóðbjörg Þórðardóttir og Guðmundur Hrafn Guðmundsson: Lífhvörfun með kyrrsettum gerfrumum. Erindi flutt á 3. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, október 1986. Prentað í ráðstefnuriti.
[Bioconversion with immobilized yeast cells. Abstract from the 3rd Medical Faculty Research Conference 1986]
22. Hörður Filippusson: Hagnýting kyrrsettra lífefna og fruma.
Erindi flutt á "Námssstefnu um líftækni og möguleika hennar á Íslandi" 23. mars 1985.
Prentað í ráðstefnuriti.
[The application of immobilized biomolecules and cell. Abstract from the Conference on Biotechnology and its Scope in Iceland, 1985]
21. Ottó J. Björnsson, Davíð Davíðsson, Hörður Filippusson, Ólafur Ólafsson, Nikulás Sigfússon & Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson: Distribution of Haematological, Serum and Urine Values in a General Population of Middle Aged Men. The Reykjavík Study.
Scand. J. Social Medicine, Supplement 32, 3 - 12, 1984.
20. Elín Ólafsdóttir, Bergþóra Jónsdóttir, Kristín Magnúsdóttir & Hörður Filippusson: Frumathugun á vítamíni B1, B2 og B6 í blóði þriggja samanburðarhópa. Læknablaðið 69, 56 - 59, 1983. [A preliminary investigation of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 in the blood of three groups of Icelanders. Icelandic Medical Journal, 1983]
19. Ottó J. Björnsson, Davíð Davíðsson, Hörður Filippusson, Ólafur Ólafsson, Nikulás Sigfússon & Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson: The Reykjavík Study. Changes in Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Middle Aged Men Since 1967. III. Blood Lipids.
Erindi flutt (af H. F.) á 38th Nordic Congress of Internal Medicine, Reykjavík, júní 1982. Útdráttur prentaður í Læknablaðinu, Fylgirit 15, 6, 1982.
[Icelandic Medical Journal, Appendix 15, 1982]
18. Hörður Filippusson, Björgvin Guðmundsson, Vigfús Þorsteinsson & Eggert Ó Jóhannsson: SI-einingakerfið kynnt. Læknablaðið 68, 137 - 140, 1982.
[Introduction to the SI-system of units. Icelandic Medical Journal, 1982]
17. Ársæll Jónsson, Hörður Filippusson, Ólafur G. Björnsson & Bjarni Þjóðleifsson: Frumrannsókn á efnasamsetningu galls meðal íslendinga. Læknablaðið, Fylgirit 13, 3-4, 1982.
[A preliminary investigation of the chemical composition of bile from Icelanders] [Icelandic Medical Journal, Appendix 13, 1982]
16. Elín Ólafsdóttir, Bergþóra Jónsdóttir, Kristín Magnúsdóttir & Hörður Filippusson: Vítamín B1, B2, B6 og C í blóði þriggja samanburðarhópa. Erindi flutt (af E.Ó.) á 2. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, mars 1982. Útdráttur prentaður í ráðstefnuriti. [Vitamin B1, B2 B6 and C in the blood of three groups of people. Lecture abstract from the 2nd Medical Faculty Research Conference 1981]
15. Hörður Filippusson, Bergþóra Jónsdóttir & Elizabeth Cook: Kyrrsett enzym.
Erindi flutt á 1. Ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í læknadeild, mars 1981. Útdráttur prentaður í ráðstefnuriti.
[Immobilized enzymes. Lecture abstract from the 1st Medical Faculty Research Conference 1981]
14. D. Davíðsson, H. Filippusson, Ó. Ólafsson, N. Sigfússon & Th. Thorsteinsson: The Reykjavík Study: Biochemical and hematological profiles in men aged 34-61 years.
Scand. J. of clinical and laboratory Investigation, Supp. No. 158, bls. 34, 1981.
13. Ottó J. Björnsson, Davíð Davíðsson, Hörður Filippusson, Ólafur Ólafsson & Nikulás Sigfússon: Health Survey in the Reykjavík Area. Stage I, 1967 - 68. Report A VII: Serum Creatinine and Uric acid, Urine Protein, Glucose and Specific Gravity in Icelandic Males Aged 34 - 61 Years. Rannsóknastöð Hjartaverndar. Reykjavík, 1980, 97 bls. [Icelandic Heart Association Reports Series, 1980]
12. Hörður Filippusson: Enzymmælingar í serumi. Læknaneminn 32(2), 28-32, 1979.
[Enzyme measurements in serum. Icelandic Medical Students Journal, 1979]
11. Ársæll Jónsson, Hörður Filippusson, Ólafur G. Björnsson & Bjarni Þjóðleifsson: Kólesteról, gallsýrur og fosfólípíðar í galli íslendinga. Fyrirlestur á IV. þingi Lyflæknafélags Íslands, júní 1979. Útdráttur prentaður í Læknablaðinu 65, 196, 1979.
[Cholesterol, bile acids and phospholipids in the bile of Icelanders. Lecture at the 4th Conference of The Icelandic Internal Medicine Society, June 1979. Abstract in The Icelandic medical Journal]
10. Jón G. Hallgrímsson, H. Linnet, H. Jónasson, Hörður Filippusson & Hjalti Thórarinsson: Postoperative Evaluation After Correction of Oesophageal Hiatus Hernia.
Scand. J. Thor. Cardiovasc. Surg. 10, 257-261, 1976.
9 Ottó J. Björnsson, Davíð Davíðsson, Hörður Filippusson, Ólafur Ólafsson, Nikulás Sigfússon & Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson: Health Survey in the Reykjavík Area. Stage I, 1967 - 68. Report A IX. Serum Alkaline Phosphatase and Total Bilirubin in Icelandic Males Aged 34 - 61 Years. Rannsóknastöð Hjartaverndar. Reykjavík, 1976, 88 bls.
[Icelandic Heart Association Reports Series, 1976])
8. Hörður Filippusson: Efnamælingar með óleysanlegum enzymum. Blað meinatækna, 1974.
[Chemical analyses with immobilized enzymes. Medical Laboratory Technology Journal, 1974]
7. Hörður Filippusson: Studies on Immobilized Enzymes. Ph.D. Thesis. University of St. Andrews, ágúst 1971.
6. W. E. Hornby, Hörður Filippusson & D.J. Inman: The Use of Immobilized Enzymes in Automated Analysis. In: Automation in Analytical Chemistry. Proc. of the Technicon Symposium, London, Sept. 1971, p. 56-65.
5. W. E. Hornby, Hörður Filippusson & Avril McDonald: The Use of Immobilized Derivatives of Urease and Urate Oxidase in Automated Analysis. FEBS Letters 20, 291-293, 1972.
4. W. E. Hornby, Hörður Filippusson & Avril McDonald: The Preparation of Glucose Oxidase Chemically Attached to Polystyrene and its Use in the Automated Analysis of Glucose. FEBS Letters 9, 8-10, 1970.
3. W. E. Hornby & Hörður Filippusson: The Preparation of Trypsin Chemically Attached to Nylon Tubes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 220, 343-345, 1970.
2. Hörður Filippusson & W. E. Hornby: The Preparation and Properties of Yeast ß-Fructofuranosidase Chemically Attached to Polystyrene. Biochem. J. 120, 215-219, 1970.
1. Hörður Filippusson: The Assay of Testicular Hyaluronidase. An Introductory Study. B.Sc. (Hons.) Thesis. St. Andrews, apríl 1968.